nClimGrid Data Download
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Choose the dataset and specifications you would like to
see, then fetch the data. A sample preview of the data
will appear below (at most 20 rows). If errors appear,
your data are likely too large for this app; please
download the data directly from here: nClimGrid Bucket.
Data Preview:
nClimGrid Data Accessibility
In an effort to support greater accessibility of nClimGrid Data,
NC State's Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies
( created a pipeline to clean,
process, and reformat daily nClimGrid data. The intention was to
create a resource that faciliated combining this nClimGrid data
with other demographic and epidemiologic datasets.
Data Details
Scales and Formats
The reprocessed nClimGrid data can be accessed here: Data are available at two spatial levels (State and County) and
in two different file formats (CSV and Parquet). Census Tract Level data are coming soon.
In general, Parquet files
are smaller and have faster download times. State and County Level data
have also been aggregated by decade and are available as decadal CSVs in the
decadal folder at the URL above.
Near Real Time Data
nClimGrid data is updated frequently (sub-weekly) and is immediately processed
and made available at the URL above. Importantly, NOAA releases
preliminary data (not scaled) first then, approximately 1-2 months after
initial preliminary data release, updates the data and provides scaled formats.
The scaled and preliminary data are accessible at the link above, but not
preliminary data are not accessible through this application. If you need
near real time data, please access the AWS bucket directly. We
explicitly architected the application this way to prevent inadvertent
combined analysis of preliminary (non-scaled) and scaled data
which could engender unrecognized errors.
Please reach out to: with any questions,
comments, or feedback. Thank you!